Now is the time to determine what is next for your company or career.

I read an article in Forbes this morning and found it to be valuable in today’s economic downturn. I believe it can apply to both small businesses and job seekers.

I’m sharing my thoughts with my contacts because it contains some valuable recommendations on what we can do now to determine what is next after COVID-19. We all can reflect on what is next for our business or career. Take the time today to think and reflect on yourself and your business. What is important to you. Give yourself time for self-care, solidify positive relationships, be present, and connect. Build your brand virtually through social media.

I related to the recommendation to put aside unproductive activities that may have just become habits over time. Take the time and prioritize to learn new things that add value to your life or business. Focus on those big goals that you never feel you have the time to do. I also agree that now is the time to master virtual communication tools. Become a Zoom expert or at least be very comfortable with it.

Take the time to elevate your company or career.

#forbes #selfcare #empathy #professionalbrand #Zoommeeting #continuallearner #postcovid19 #jacobsstrategicgroup