This week @Kelly Paxton, Pink Collar Crime Expert, shared with me a Harvard Business Review article, by @Herminia Ibarra. The article focused on Career Planning and Reinventing your Career during this extraordinarily disruptive time. This may be the best time ever to re-evaluate your career.

Take Control:

We were all caught off guard, financially, psychologically and emotionally by the impact of Covid-19. You might be working from home or looking for a new job because you were let go. These abrupt changes/threats can cause us to draw back and be conservative. I challenge you to think differently. It won’t be easy but the opportunity is now for reinvention.

Manage Emotions:

Herminia wrote, “the career-change process is the emotional experience of “liminality””. Liminal is the place between the past and the uncertain future. It might be frustrating and emotional but it is a critical part of your reinvention. You have to let go and work through the feeling of shutting down and take advantage of this time. Embrace this disruption to confidently reinvent yourself and your career.

Educate & Explore:

Take this time to prioritize a new project, to read, and to learn about yourself. Enroll in an online class, research a new business idea, expand your network, listen to podcasts. I have learned to embrace Zoom, learned how to screen share and improved my Value Builders software skill. Working from home has also helped my wife and my communication and cooking skills.


It is so important for you to learn about yourself, your skills, your likes and dislikes during this pandemic. Be introspective, but don’t do this alone. I personally have reached out to old and new connections. Had Zoom Happy Hours with old friends. This can open your eyes to new ideas, creative problem solving and new opportunities as you reinvent and elevate your career. Embrace this disruption to confidently reinvent yourself and your career.

Make that career pivot you always dreamed of doing. Thrive! #thrive #liminal #reinvent #reinventyourself #career #careerplanning #jobseeker