I read an article about what will it take to be a success in your career moving forward, from a Harvard Lecture. Most commonly, having deep experience/skill in one valued area has led to promotions and increased income. Being a “broad minded” generalist who has a wide range of skills but not one area of expertise is not recognized as “adding value”.

The debate moving forward may be Specialist vs Generalist.

Nobody can deny our world and our jobs have rapidly changed. Problems are more complex and the results are more scrutinized. The future may be very different and our ability to adapt will be more important than ever.

Uncertainty, ambiguity, and complexity are prevalent and to manage through this successfully we will need agile, complex problem solvers to navigate the new demands. The well equipped generalist, who can thrive in this rapidly changing world will rise and lead to success. #thrive #thefuture #adapt #uncertainty #success #jacobsstrategicgroup